I Found an Injured/Baby Wild Animal…What should I do?
IMPORTANT: Contact with humans is EXTREMELY stressful for wildlife and should be avoided when at all possible!
Unless the wild animal is obviously injured (bleeding, laying motionless, etc.) in immediate danger, or if you have seen the wild animal in cat or dogs mouth, please DO NOT attempt to catch the animal. Stand nearby and observe the animal for 20 minutes and make note of the following details prior to calling for help:
- Description of animal (color, markings, size)
- Behavior
- Scan the area for baby’s parents (often nearby and providing care)
- Location, address, number of neighbors (needed for release)
If the wild animal still appears to be in need of assistance, please call Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center Helpline
503.540.8664 to discuss the above details BEFORE you attempt to capture the animal.
Unless otherwise directed, the the following steps to capture and transport the wild animal to the Rehabilitation Center.
- Punch holes into a cardboard box or other container (a paper bag will work for very small animals) and line with a soft cloth blanket, t-shirt, pillowcase) Do not use towels as claws can get easily tangled.
- Wearing gloves, use a towel or similar cloth to cover the animal and lift it gently into the prepared box or container.
- DO NOT give the wild animals food or water.
IMPORTANT: Keep the wild animal in a WARM, QUIET, DARK place away from children and pets. Transport the wild animal to the Rehabilitation Center as quickly as possible. While in the care, refrain from talking, playing music and running the AC/heater.